COVID-19 Safety Plan

Everyone is responsible for keeping our gym and community free from COVID -19 transmissions. In order to achieve this, The Elouera Tony Mundine Gym have designed a layout to allow staff, members and visitors to use the gym as safely as possible.


  • MUST scan in at entry / visitors MUST register with QR code
  • Follow a strict NO TOWEL, NO TRAINING policy
  • Bring your own boxing gloves, wraps etc
  • Use sanitise wipes to clean equipment before and after use
  • Practise social distancing 1.5m apart
  • Wash and sanitise hands often
  • Avoid attending the gym if you are unwell

Elouera Tony Mundine Gym

  • Registered with NSW Govt as a COVID Safe business
  • Staff completed COVID19 Infection Control training
  • Equipment positioned 1.5m apart
  • Group fitness classes limited to 10 participants only
  • COVID 19 guidelines displayed on wall and floor signage
  • Equipment sanitised throughout gym every 2hrs
  • Regular deep clean